

Rick here

Back when the Foundation had a focus on Bowlbian attachment theory, the Bowlby Less Traveled (BLT) blog was our main way of disseminating information concerning Bowlby’s theory. We still post new blog articles to BLT but on a less frequent schedule—generally when something that pertains to Bowlby’s theory pops up on the radar screen. If you see a Bowlby related article or book, let us know by using the Contact Us menu item above. Thanks for visiting our BLT legacy site.

Blog Disclaimer is as follows: The Bowlby Less Traveled blog is for entertainment purposes only. None of the content, including comments by others, should be looked upon as providing any professional or expert opinion, be it legal, scientific, financial, psychological, medical, or otherwise. The FHL Foundation cannot be held responsible for any use or misuse of the information contained within this blog. By accessing and reading any of the BLT blog posts, you agree to the above terms.

New book on Bowlby’s work now available! The Foundation’s president Frederick (Rick) Leonhardt has released his second book entitled A Question of Attachment—Toward A Lossless Society over at Amazon. His book investigates patterns of insecure attachment at the level of society. Pulling from his BLT blog posts, Leonhardt argues that insecure attachment asks the following question: “How do I bring to myself a sense of connection, even intimacy, while at the same time distancing myself from the pain and heartbreak that connection and intimacy inevitably bring?” Leonhardt sees such troubling societal patterns as attachment to screen devices and a desire to become posthuman (e.g., the Singularity and the End Times) as answers to the Question asked by insecure attachment. Click on this link for an information sheet on A Question of Attachment (free for KindleUnlimited subscribers).