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Creativity and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) (Pt 1)

This may well be the most insightful and, dare I say, creative post I have written in the 14+ year, 350+ post history of the Bowlby Less Traveled blog. Before I explain why, a bit of housekeeping. In my last post I said that I would introduce you to the work of systems thinker Donella […]

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Ahhh, Houston, We Have a Dilemma

If U.S. culture were a moonshot, right about now we might hear the following message come over the control room PA speaker: “Ahhh, Houston, we have a dilemma.” The other day I read an article over at CNN Online by Laura Paddison entitled Heat waves are getting longer and more brutal. Here’s why your AC can’t […]

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Discorporation and the Embrace of Electric Steering

I was fortunate enough to drive a 2011 BMW X5 35d (diesel) from late 2010 until late 2021. For me, it was The Ultimate Driving Machine, BMW’s popular tagline back in the early 2000s. My old X5 put a smile on my face every time I drove it. It had amazing road feel and driving […]

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The Drama of Earth Systems (Pt 7)

Welcome to the final installment of this blog series. Thanks for making it all the way to the end. To recap, on one side of the systems landscape (see Figure 1 below) we have information scientists who wish to disembody information while not upending the applecart of liberal humanism with its focus on such things […]

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The Drama of Earth Systems (Pt 6)

In this post I would like to move over to the right side of my map The Shifting Landscape of Systems Development. The right side of my map was constructed though my readings of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s 1969 book General System Theory: Foundations, Development and Applications, and Gerald Midgley’s 2000 book Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, […]

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