
Archive for conceptual conflict

John Bowlby and the Fall (and, Hopefully, Rise) of a Conceptual Revolution

As a graduate student studying counseling psychology I was provided with information on such individuals as Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, Carl Rogers, Jean Piaget, and John Bowlby. What I wasn’t provided with was information on how these individuals were part and parcel of specific conceptual revolutions. Sigmund Freud was caught up within the hydraulic conceptual […]

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Liberals are from Venus and Conservatives are from Mars

In my post of December 9th, 2010, I asked the following question: “Do Mothers (Therapists) Really Attach to Their Babies (Clients)?” I answered this question with one word: “Depends.” (No … not the adult diaper). I’m not trying to be cute here but the answer does depend on what conceptual system you are using. In […]

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