
Archive for digital age – Page 2

Viewing Millennials’ Embrace of Socialism as Locked Mourning

Author’s note: I am simulposting this post both at LinkedIn Pulse and at Bowlby Less Traveled. Clearly the most important story coming out of the current presidential campaign has to be the embrace of Donald Trump by large numbers of people who appear to be angry and disenfranchised. Arguably the second most important story has […]

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Bulleting “The Organized Mind”—Empathy and Fiction Reading

My office mate, Barb, is in the habit of announcing, “I don’t trust anyone who does not read fiction.” I usually take offense because I do not read fiction. I, instead, read non-fiction books like Daniel Levitin’s 2014 book entitled The Organized Mind—Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload. As fate would have it, […]

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COMMENT: Boys and Men Stiffed (Again)

The title to this post is a reference to Susan Faludi’s 1999 book entitled Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man. When it was released in 1999, Faludi’s book created a bit of a storm within liberal feminist communities. Stiffed seemed to paint the plight of men during the 1990s using sympathetic tones. Displaying any […]

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“Addictions from an Attachment Perspective”—A Cheat Sheet

I hope everyone had a great long weekend. A reader emailed me and asked if I could create a “cheat sheet” for my multi-part review of the 2014 edited volume entitled Addictions from an Attachment Perspective—Do Broken Bonds and Early Trauma Lead to Addictive Behaviours? That sounds like a good idea, and, as a result, […]

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Of Digital Billionaires and Analog Beggars—Entering the Age of Disruption

We are entering a new age of robber barons who wish to disrupt our old economic and social ways. Who are these new robber barons? Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame; Michael and Xochi Birch of Bebo fame (which was sold to AOL for $850 million in 2008); Peter Thiel, an American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, hedge […]

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