
Archive for digital age – Page 3

Quick Look: Autistic and Non-Autistic Brain Differences Isolated for First Time

Autistic and non-autistic brain differences isolated for first time — ScienceDaily. I recently read the article Autistic and Non-Autistic Brain Differences Isolated for First Time. The article profiles work being done at the University of Warwick. Here’s how the article starts out: The functional differences between autistic and non-autistic brains have been isolated for the […]

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TRUER WORDS: “Endangered Minds”

Today’s Truer Words come from the 1991 book by education researcher Jane Healy entitled Endangered Minds: Why Children Don’t Think and What We Can Do About It. Healy writes: While the adult community sanctimoniously bewails erosion of academic rigor and achievement … it perpetuates the practices that are shortening children’s attention spans and rendering their brains unfit […]

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Digital Skeptic or Analog Celebrant … Which Frame Would You Choose? (part two of two)

Welcome to part two. Let me see if I can get you up to speed. In part one I talked about two frames: digital skeptic and digital celebrant. Simply, digital skeptics view the rise of the digital age with a fair bit of caution and reserve. On the other hand, digital celebrants, well, celebrate the […]

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Digital Skeptic or Analog Celebrant … Which Frame Would You Choose? (part one of two)

OK, pop quiz: Are you … a) a digital celebrant b) a digital skeptic c) both a digital celebrant and skeptic d) none of the above e) confused because you have no clue what I’m talking about If you answered anything but “e”, then more than likely you are familiar with the frames digital celebrant […]

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What’s So Social About Machine Media? (1 of 2)

In the beginning there was “grunt media”—communication centered on a series of modulated grunts, groans, yelps, yells, screeches, coos, etc. Next came oral media—communication centered on a group of people sitting around telling stories. The history of communication media continues thus—media centered on communicating via… …clay tablets and a system of glyphs (typically about food […]

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