
Archive for Jean Bricmont

COMMENT: Liberals Suck, Conservatives Are Morons … Any Questions? (part II of II)

Before we begin I’d like to acknowledge a milestone. This is the 200th blog post here at the Bowlby Less Traveled blog site. Thanks to all who contributed along the way and helped to make BLT a wealth of information concerning Bowlbian attachment theory, for, against, and around. Welcome to part II of a two-part […]

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COMMENT: Liberals Suck, Conservatives Are Morons … Any Questions? (part I of II)

I wanted to title this blog post “Liberals Are from Mars, Conservatives Are from Venus,” but then I thought I would unintentionally offend John Gray and the work he does in the area of relationships. I settled on “Liberals Suck, Conservatives Are Morons.” OK, let’s try this: “Liberal Suckies Are from the Planet Suckius, Conservative […]

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