
Archive for pre-K

COMMENT: Boys and Men Stiffed (Again)

The title to this post is a reference to Susan Faludi’s 1999 book entitled Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man. When it was released in 1999, Faludi’s book created a bit of a storm within liberal feminist communities. Stiffed seemed to paint the plight of men during the 1990s using sympathetic tones. Displaying any […]

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Insecure Attachment & Obesity, Pre-K & Entitlement, and Classrooms & Digital Tech—Imprisoning Minds In the Object World (part II of II)

As promised at the end of part I, I’ll start part II by talking about the following three articles. In my opinion, when taken together, the following three articles paint a picture of minds imprisoned within the middle object brain (a topic I introduced in part I). Here are the three articles: How Parenting Styles […]

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