
Archive for reductionism – Page 2

The “Bowlby Less Traveled” Journey Comes to an End

On September 20th, 2011, the FHL Foundation held its annual meeting for the 2011–2012 fiscal year (which ends July 31st of each year). After careful deliberation and consideration, the board and staff decided to de-emphasize its focus on Bowlbian attachment theory as a theory of social change. The reasons for this decision are complex and […]

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Comment: We Can Go Home Now … The “Singularity” Is Here

Comment on: Singularity: Kurzweil on 2045, When Humans, Machines Merge – TIME. By Lev Grossman – Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011 Hello all. I’ve been away nursing a rather nasty head cold (turned nasty cough now). While I was convalescing, I happened upon Lev Grossman’s article over at entitled Singularity: Kurzweil on 2045, When Humans, […]

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Hold the Presses—Why Are We So Attached to the Vitalism of Bowlbian Attachment Theory?

In a series of posts that started back on December 9th, 2010, I’ve been looking at the following question: “Do mothers (therapists) really attach to their babies (clients)?” I’ve suggested that within a reductionistic worldview, the answer is probably “yes.” However, within a naturalistic systems theory worldview (the one that Bowlby principally used), the answer […]

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Bringing in 2011 with a Review of Posts from December, 2010

I trust that everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday break. I know I did. Last year (sorry, couldn’t resist) on December 9th, 2010, I began a series of posts that were triggered by the following question: Q – Do mothers (therapists) really attach to their babies (clients)? Lets do a bit of a review […]

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Parents’ group scolds TV shows for sexualizing young girls – Yahoo! News

Parents’ group scolds TV shows for sexualizing young girls – Yahoo! News. Pop quiz — After I posted my December 17th, 2010, post entitled “Bowlby Goes to the Movies,” I ran across the above article over at YahooNews. I immediately hit my WordPress “PressThis” button because this article would be a great pop quiz for […]

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